Critical Cycles – More than expected

The summer comes and me with my younger bother decided to go for a short and easy trip with bikes. Since I have one and driving with it every day to the job, my task was to find a simple, inexpensive, but at the same time pretty good bicycle for him. I wanted to spend as low as I could, but get a good and my money worth product. Also, I knew that this purchase won’t be used very often, so I started searching.

Nowadays you can find a lot of great deals and bikes with all kinds of fancy components. However, I decided to check fixed gear category. In here I found Critical Cycles. In few words, I bought it very impulsively. Stellar deal – I told to myself. Guess what, I wasn’t wrong. The bike arrived in the box, where mostly all components were separated. All necessary tools was included, so for me it took forty minutes to assembly it for the ride. After that time I had prepared and nice looking bike.

Out trip were mainly in asphalted roads and going through few cities. After the trip and couple of months, I can tell my opinion. Looking from my point of view, the bike is really good for how much I spent. The steel frame is not heavy, as I expected before. I thought that for such a low price you will get something below the average, what will just last for some rides and that’s all. But it seems well made, all welds are made clean and balance is good. I have absolutely no blames for this part of the bicycle.

It rides very smooth too. The clips also adds some comfortability. After the trip, the only thing that I think needed to be changed was tires. It seems pretty well at the beginning, but after longer ride it wore away quite a lot. The seat is the regular one and everything fine with it. Also, in this bike you gonna find only the rear brakes, but for me and my brother that is okay.

The appearance of Critical Cycles is very awesome and my brother liked it a lot. Those BMX style handlebars looks youthful and after some time it is much more comfortable than regular ones. Also, it is very useful in city ride. I would recommend to check this one just for the fresh and simple design (mine model was white).

To conclude, the components of bike are great. I didn’t really think that for such sum of money it is possible to buy a brand new bicycle, which will ride well even after more than 100 miles. Not considering tires, what is easy to change and depends on what surface you are going to ride. I really hope so that this Critical Cycles fixed gear bike will ride the next few season as well as this one.

If you are owning Critical Cycles bike, I would appreciate if you leave your own experience with it in the comments. Thanks in advance and great ride for you!

Critical Cycles